The booklet… Whether stapled, sewn, or glued, there are thousands of way to make your work unique!
It is true that saddle stitch is the most common finish because it is more economical. But when the pagination raises, it is better to look a little more into which type of binding will be the most appropriate. Several types of binding exists, but they are not always well known or understood by everyone. It must be said that with all these possibilities, it can be difficult to make a choice. In this article, we will focus more specifically on what a square binded booklet is and why to choose this option rather than another.
WHAT IS A SQUARE binded Booklet?
The square binded booklet is a type of binding that is halfway between saddle stitch booklets and perfect bound books. Like a saddle stitch booklet, the pages are bound by staples, but the difference lies in the spine, which is as flat as that of a perfect bound book. Easy to package, stack, and handle, this solution offers many advantages. Moreover, there is no glue, which makes it more economical, more environmentally friendly, and faster to produce. It is just as durable and visually very professional. Goodbye loose pages!

How to produce a square binded booklet ?
To produce this type of booklet, we use a classic stapling assembly on a Horizon machine. This means that once the sheets are assembled, we add two staples at the fold of the cover, which will give the document its “saddle stitch“. Once the booklet is assembled and stapled, it passes through a machine located at the end of the production line: the spine creasing module. To finally obtain the finished document: the square binded booklet.
Unlike a saddle stitch booklet, if you decide to print a lot of pages (between 52 and 96 pages), you won’t have the “fan effect” that can “ruin” the finish of your booklet.

As a side note, we use the term “fan effect” when a booklet tends to open by itself when resting flat on a surface (see above). This phenomenon is due to a high inner paper weight (more than 115lb text paper weight) and/or a high pagination.
This square stitched binding is ideal for magazines, annual reports, catalogs, press kits, and even luxury booklet.
Moreover, all customizations are possible. Want a matte or glossy lamination? Satin, soft-touch, or even anti-scratch – everything is possible! Unleash your imagination by adding finishes!
Do you have a booklet to print? Or just a project idea? Visit our website and if there’s still something to clarify, click here to contact us.
Two square binded booklet before spine creasing compared to two square binded booklet after spine creasing.