Wire’o: one binding, several applications
This type of binding offers a reading comfort because it can lay flat, even if the number of sheets is important. Unlike the other booklet bindings, the Wire’O offers more design freedom as it doesn’t require a specific page count. That is why the Wire’o is very useful when it comes to making:
- Datebooks,
- Calendars,
- Activity reports,
- Product catalogs,
- Yearbook or exercise manuals
White metal Wire’o binding with tab indexing
Customized options tailored to the specific projects
The Wire’O enables numerous customizations, making it particularly appreciated for the diversity of options. Above is a product catalog printed for our customer LIFE Partners Europe, with the following specs:
- Bindery: WIRE’O
- Size: A4
- Page count: 126pp
- Inside paper: 4-color both sides (#100 Gloss text),
- Folding and laying of a wrapping cover (#235 Matte text),
- Tab indexing in 2 rows of 8 tabs,
- Plastic pooch for business card on page 2.
As you can see, the customization options are endless. It is even possible to have a very high number of pages, to use different paper stock in the same booklet and to embellish the printed product with all the finishing options available.
At Booklets Print, we produce Wire’O booklets on a daily basis, while supporting our direct and indirect customers upstream of the manufacturing process. Our pricing is extremely attractive and can be adapted to meet the needs of your printing projects.